Menstruation (period blood) An article for men and women!

What are periods?

(Menstrual cycle)

Females aged 11-50 (varies in every case) have periods once every month for a span of 3-7 days. A female’s body prepares itself to carry a baby every month. This is done by the uterus. The uterus forms a thick cushion like layer so as to support a baby. But if no baby happens, then there’s no need for this layer. So this layer (ENDOMETRIAL LINE OF UTERUS) starts shedding automatically and out comes blood. That’s what periods are.

Why only girls?

Without going into the exact science of it, let's just say that the body prepares itself to have a baby every month. When that doesn't happen, periods do. It is actually a sign of good health.

Is it true that women have mood swings during menstruation? / PMS ( pre menstrual syndrome?)

Yes! During menstrual period or before periods there is imbalance of hormones in the body. due to this mood swings, headache, cramps, bloating, cravings, sore breasts and overall tension occurs which create bad impact on body. 

Basically in the process of menstrual period, there is main role of estrogen(hormone) which causes these changes in one’s mood. In first stage of menstruation, a women body increases the amount of estrogen that is produced by a dramatic rate. Estrogen actually adds to the good feelings that a woman might experience under normal circumstances. When estrogen is increased so are the epinephrine (adrenaline is a hormone secreted by the medulla which cause strong emotions such as fear or anger) serotonin (key hormone that stabilizes our mood, feelings of well-being, and happiness)

When the woman does not conceive these chemicals are quickly reduced and this is the cause of the moods that women experience. Women can go from feeling very good to feeling very bad in a very short period of time prior to her actual period.

Can they have sex during periods?

Though period sex can be a bit messy, it is safe.

Another worry about having sex during period is the risk of passing on a sexually transmitted infection (STI) like HIV or hepatitis. These viruses live in blood, and they can spread through contact with infected menstrual blood. Using safeties every time you have sex can reduce your risk of spreading or catching an STI.

Is menstrual blood dirty?

No!! #myth

There’s a common misconception that period blood is dirty or toxic, and in some cultures it may even be considered impure. Contrary to that belief, the blood you menstruate is just as “clean” as the venous blood that comes from every other part of the body and it’s harmless as long as you don’t have any bloodborne diseases (pathogens aren’t picky when it comes to manifesting in bodily fluids). I mean think about it, this blood came from an organ that must be hygienic enough to potentially sustain the development of a fetus. it’s just blood.

Can men buy sanitary pads/menstrual cups/ tampons for women?

There is absolutely nothing wrong in a guy buying feminine hygiene products for a girl. Having or getting pads, or tampons, for people who need them like your mother, sister, girlfriend or wife is a normal thing.

There are various myths related to periods in India. Some consider it as a curse, some think it is inauspicious and others practice untouchability during menstruation. The myth that women cannot enter temples and holy ground is culturally controversial, and a sensitive issue. These myths need to be discarded and people have to progress with time.

To all the girls and guys there stay healthy and hygienic. Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live in.

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