
Showing posts from November, 2019

Feel it or Let go? 🗣

 Inner twilight- EMOTIONS! Emotions prevents us from seeing the bigger picture in life. And at the same time, emotions are the bigger picture, or atleast, they are a big part of the picture.  We feel good or bad, happy or sad, excited or discouraged, and a thousand other things. The inventory of the various ways we feel is almost endless. feelings are ever changing, usually without Notification. They Don't need our permission to fluctuate; they merely seem to do as they please for no specific reason that we can find. We have all experienced going to bed feeling just fine physically and emotionally, only to wake up the next morning feeling tired and irritable. Why? Why do I feel this way? We ask ourselves, and then we usually begin to tell anyone who will listen how we feel. It is interesting to note that we need to talk a lot more about Our negative feelings than we do our positive ones. 👉I want to do what is right,     But I do what is wrong ! We human beings are extr