Feel it or Let go? πŸ—£

 Inner twilight- EMOTIONS!

Emotions prevents us from seeing the bigger picture in life. And at the same time, emotions are the bigger picture, or atleast, they are a big part of the picture.

 We feel good or bad, happy or sad, excited or discouraged, and a thousand other things. The inventory of the various ways we feel is almost endless. feelings are ever changing, usually without Notification. They Don't need our permission to fluctuate; they merely seem to do as they please for no specific reason that we can find. We have all experienced going to bed feeling just fine physically and emotionally, only to wake up the next morning feeling tired and irritable. Why? Why do I feel this way? We ask ourselves, and then we usually begin to tell anyone who will listen how we feel. It is interesting to note that we need to talk a lot more about Our negative feelings than we do our positive ones.

πŸ‘‰I want to do what is right,
    But I do what is wrong

We human beings are extremely complex. Our emotions are only one aspect of our being, but they are very important one. 
I think emotions have been a mystery for most of us. Frequently, we simply Don't know why we feel the way we feel. We let emotions confuse us, and that often leads us to make decisions we later regret.
There may be a lot we Don't understand about ourselves, but thank God we can learn. If you stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself, you see your body, but that is only outer shell of who you really are. There is a lot that goes on inside us that cannot be seen with the naked eye. We have thoughts, feelings, imaginations, and desires that reside in a much deeper part of us than what we see in the mirror.
Have you ever felt that there is a person living inside you who is quite different from the one you present to the world?
I think we have all felt that way at times.
We are first and foremost spiritual beings; we have a soul and we live in a body we should pay more attention to the inner person because when we die, our spirits and souls are the parts of us that will live forever, but our bodies will simply decay.

πŸ‘‰The war within

We often feel like a war is going on within us. one part of us (the inner person) wants to do what we know to be right, and the another part (the outer person) wants to do what is wrong. The wrong thing can feel right, while the right thing feels wrong. Remember that we cannot judge the moral value of any action by how we feel . Have you ever done something ridiculous in a moment of intense emotion and then said later, "I just can't believe that I behaved that way!"? We have all had times like that.
We are excessive in our actions. We feel like doing a thing and so we do it. Without any thought to the end result. After the thing is done and Cannot be undone, we regret doing it.
God gives us spirit to enable us to make right and wise choices. We have to cast and decide right vote. If you have been casting the wrong vote, all you need to do is change your vote. forming new habits will require making a new decision. Please remember that wise choices may well have nothing to do with feelings. You may or may not feel like doing the right thing. You can feel wrong and still do what is right.

πŸ‘‰Why am I so emotional?πŸ™

We all have days what we feel more emotional than other, and there may be many reasons why. Perhaps you didn't sleep well the night before. 
Sometimes we feel emotional because something upset us the day before and we didn't resolve it, we are often guilty of stuffing things down inside us rather than dealing with them. if you are a person who avoids confrontation, you can have a soul full of unresolved issues that need closure before emotional wholeness will come. I remember a night, when I was unable to sleep, which is unusual for me. Finally I asked myself, what was wrong with me. Immediately I recalled a situation from the day before. Obviously, my wrong conduct was irritating my spirit, even though my conscious mind had buried it.
Emotions are powerful, and sometimes we feel overpowered by them. The word emotions mean "to move away." And that is exactly what emotions do. they move out and pressurize us to follow them. An emotional person is one tends to follow feelings of time. They think,Because emotions are like lava, they burst out through the smallest vents speak, and act according to feelings.

Too much emotions or emotional irrationality causes imbalance in the entirety of our lives.

Stay honest and open, just in safe ways and safe places or with safe people, and eventually you will naturally be in control of yourself, and your emotions.😊

πŸ‘‰ Its time for change!


Commercian said…
Once there was a blind begger who was begging on the street with a board written 'I m blind please help me'. People were reading that while passing from there but very few helped that begger by putting coin in his vessel. A girl who was looking this went him and rubbed which was written on the board. And replace the words with 'The day is beautiful but I can't see' and within few minutes the beggers vessel was full of money. The people after reading those words felt very lucky for having a complete body and prayed for its continuance and kept want to do something for that and gave money to that begger.
Prachi golait said…
Yeah true!!
words have great power...
Thanks for your feedback sirπŸ™
Commercian said…
Maam, content on why is character so important for career please! We want to read from you
Prachi golait said…
Sure! Read new blog-
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